Thursday, March 02, 2006

2003 GREER CABIN TRIP (5th Annual)

Five people make 2003 Greer Cabin Trip

May 17th - 20th was the date for the 5th Annual "Greer Cabin Trip" Only five people made the trip this year. This was the lowest turn-out since 1999, when the original four campers of Joe Laguna, Louie Padilla, Jay Shaw and Terry Johnson made the very first trip. Five year veteran campers, Joe Laguna and Louie Padilla were joined by four year vet Chin Marquez, while Chano Gonzales, making his second trip, was welcomed back after a one year absence. Newcomer Manuel Lopez made his first trip.

Three 2002 Cabin Campers "No Show" In 2003
Previous Greer Cabin participants Jay Shaw, Julian Aguilar and Louie Aguilar (no relationship) missed out on this years festivities. Each had a number of personal concerns that prevented them from making the trip this year. Even though they did not make the trip physically, they were with us in spirit. We all got a lot of laughs at their expense recalling some of their "Most Memorable Moments". Ok, ok, we did a lot of 'shit talking' about them but that was fun too.

As Per Usual, Fishing Does Not Disappoint.
As has become a custom on this trip, the fishing was great once again. Rainbow trout were being caught on everything from "Power Bait" to flies. Louie Padilla, who for some reaso
n seems intent on trying to catch the "Albert Einstein" of trout, even managed to pull an Apache Trout out of a small creek near the cabin, using some custom made flies he had specially made just for the trip. In addition, Louie also caught a Brown Trout which he calls, "the smarter of the trout species" of which he takes great pride in catching. "Anybody with a stick and some fishing line can spit on a hook and catch a Rainbow Trout", Louie says, "but it takes a great fisherman to catch a Brown Trout, a BIG Brown Trout. That's what I go for all the time." As anyone who has ever been on this trip will tell you, the fishing has always been fantastic. It is a very rare occurrence when you don't at least catch your daily limit. More often than not, you will usually come back with at least double that. Although all three Greer Lakes, located about one mile from the cabin, produce trout, River Reservoir and Bunch Reservoir seem to be our favorites. Bunch seems to be the best bet for catching the most fish, but River is said to hold the biggest. Pictures at the Circle B Market in Greer show anglers pulling 3-5 lb trout out of River Reservoir all the time. Many of those pictures are taken as recently as a day or two before we arrive. Some are even taken while we're there. Our goal is to one day have one of our pictures taken and displayed at the Circle B Market.


Chin Wins! Chin Wins!

In the 4th Annual "Greer Cabin Campers" Horseshoe Tournament, Chin Marquez walked away with his 2nd Title in 3 years, after going undefeated in the 5 man, double elimination tournament. Chin beat Louie Padilla 21-11 in the title game. "I wasn't at my best today", said Louie. "My back was hurting, my legs were cramping, and my wrist hurt like hell". "Can't nobody beat me, NOBODY", said the victorious Chin. "If we don't get anybody else to come out here, I could win this thing every year". As Chin taunted each of his opponents, it was clear that he was throwing a very good shoe. "I try and get in people's heads, throw them off their game", said Chin about his shit talking. "Plus, it's fun too".

Louie vows to reclaim his throne

After finishing 2nd again in the Annual "Greer Cabin Campers" Horseshoe Tournament, Louie Padilla was clearly disappointed. And having lost to Chin again did not make it any better. "My back hurt, my feet hurt. I just wasn't ready to play today", said Louie. "I just wasn't in the mood". After narrowly defeating Joe Laguna 21-19 in the semi's, it appeared as if Louie ran out of gas. Immediately after the tournament, it appeared as if Louie was ready to announce his retirement. But after a few minutes, Louie collected himself and vowed to return next year. "I'm gonna go to "Hell Camp" and win that tournament, then I'm gonna win the "Chavez Reunion" tournament, and THEN I'm gonna come back here and win THIS tournament and then I'm gonna retire. "There's nothing like going out a champion and that's what I'm gonna do".

Joe finishes 3rd…...AGAIN

For the third year in a row, Joe Laguna finished 3rd in the annual "Greer Cabin Campers" Horseshoe tournament. After having both 2nd place finisher, Louie Padilla and eventual champ, Chin Marquez on the ropes, Joe was unable to seal the deal in either game. In the best game of the day, Chin edged out Joe 21-19 in a back and forth affair to give Joe his first loss. In a disappointing loss to Louie, it appeared that Joe was stuck on 18 forever and let Louie come back to win 21-18. "Those were both very disappointing losses. Louie got hot there for a while and although I was throwing shoes capable of scoring, Louie was throwing them closer", Joe said after his loss. "But, there's always next year. I'll be back".

Manuel Loses His Money..... And His Lunch During Poker

Seventeen year old newcomer, Manuel Lopez learned a few very valuable lessons during the annual Cabin Poker game. The young "pup" was playing with the "Big Dogs" and as usually happens, the "pup" got bit. After starting out strong winning 3 out of the first 4 hands and feeling pretty good about himself, the table rules were changed. In addition to making the "low hand" drink a 4oz shot of beer, we added "mis-deals" to that as well. Naturally, shit talking Chin was able to talk Manuel into a few of those misdeals and that was the beginning of the end for him, as he eventually lost both his money and his lunch. As he was being led to the porcelain throne, he was heard to utter the words, "I can't hang with you
f%@$#!" We could have told him that before he started.


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