Sunday, March 05, 2006


Orale gente. What’s up peoples? Well, it’s that time again. Yes, time to start thinking about the 8th Annual Greer Cabin Trip, which, from this day forward will be known as, The “Los Compadres Cabin Trip”. It’s hard to believe we’re planning our 8th trip. Let me just recap a few basics about the trip.

The “Los Compadres Cabin Trip” is a guy’s only, 4-day, 3-night fishing trip to the beautiful White Mountain community of Greer, AZ. Greer offers close access to some of Arizona’s best Trout Lakes, such as Big Lake, Crescent Lake, Sunrise Lake and the Greer Reservoirs, not to mention some excellent stream fishing as well. The trip usually takes place sometime between mid-April and mid-May. The early spring date of our trip (right after the thaw) helps contribute to a history of great success for us on our fishing weekend. This year, we are looking tentatively at the weekend of April 22nd through the 25th (Saturday-Tuesday). Horseshoes & poker tournaments are a couple of the other activities that we take part in during our trip.

  • The cost of the trip includes your share of the cabin rental plus $30 for food and $25 for gas.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: The food money does not include beer or other alcoholic beverages. That is on you. We do provide milk, coffee, OJ & soda
  • The actual per-person cost of the trip depends on a number of things, such as; the number of people that go, cabin cost increases, the size of the cabin, transportation, etc, but over the years, we’ve found that the 4-day, 3-night trip, including gas & food usually cost us around $200 each.
  • Deposit money ($100) is usually due in mid February and is roughly equal to ½ the total trip cost. It is sent in to secure our cabin reservation and is always NON-REFUNDABLE. Once I send it, it’s gone.
  • Accommodations will only be made for those who gave deposits
  • If 3 people give deposits, accommodations and reservations will only be made for 3 people. If 4 people give deposits, then accommodations and reservations will be made for 4 people, etc.
  • Getting your deposit money in on time guarantees you two things:
    -A spot on the trip, and
    -A spot in the “Bed Draw”.
    The “Bed Draw” is our way of determining sleeping assignments. Different cabins have different sleeping accommodations, ranging from King size beds to twin beds to couches. Basically, we draw cards to determine order of choice. High card gets first choice, next highest has next choice and so on.
  • If others decide to go after the initial deposit money has been sent in, the following steps will be taken:
    -If the accommodations already made allow for additional participants, we will add them once we get their deposit.
    (Please Note: Only those who originally gave deposit money and met the deadline are eligible for the original bed draws. All others will participate in a secondary draw if necessary).
  • If the original accommodations do not allow for additional people, we will try to upgrade to a bigger cabin after we get your deposit but there are no guarantees though. (If we cannot make suitable arraignments or if you are not satisfied with the arrangements that are available, deposit money given at this time will be refunded).

    OK, so now, if the dates indicated above work, let us know, mark your calendars, put in your “time off” request, start kissing the old ladies ass, whatever you have to do to make sure you can join us for the 8th ANNUAL “LOS COMPADRES CABIN TRIP”.


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