Friday, March 24, 2006

18th Annual Quihuis "Hell Camp Weekend"

Hola my fellow Hellcampers, it is that time of year again. Yes, this letter is a duplicate of the last 4 years. Don’t give me any Shit!!! This year’s Hell camp will be held on June 23rd, 24th and returning home on the 25th. And for you men that don’t mind shitting in the woods, Commanders Joe Q. and Chuckie Love will be there on Tuesday the 20th. B.Y.O.B. if you go up early. Please let your employers know NOW so there won’t be any confusion. Yes, once again, it’s yours truly and my 2 brothers of mine, and adopted brother Chuckie Love, that will be heading up this years 18th annual Quihuis Hellcamp!! We’re keeping all events the same, like horseshoes, washitas, card games, volleyball, darts, tug of war, etc. (Events subject to change at Commanders discretion)

Attention: This Year, there will be NO 6am meeting on Friday morning!
This years hell camp fee will stay the same at $35.00. Did you know that the fee for hell camp has only gone up $10.00 since it has originated in 1989? That’s pretty good, so why you crying? I need the money in by mid month of May. If you wait until hell camp weekend to pay, then the fee is $795.00!!! Just kidding. No discounts for coming up on Saturday! Please pay A.S.A.P. If you don’t, that means I have to cover you for $300 to $400 for supplies. So please send your money in on time. The quicker I get the money the quicker I take care of business.
Remember, the $35.00 includes 8-10 kegs of beer (any suggestions on beer, let me know), ice, menudo, chilidogs, and 2 J-johns (bring T.P., it runs out quick). Please bring enough food to eat for Friday and Saturday. Menudo and hotdogs will not be enough food. Also, bring plenty of water. I don’t need you guys passing out on me because you pendejos are getting dehydrated on just drinking beer. I’m not is singling out anyone in particular (OSCAR). Besides, there is not a store in sight for miles. One of my rules when it comes to eating is that we all eat together, especially for breakfast and dinner. We have been doing a good job with that in the past, so let’s keep up the good work!! It is pretty fun when we all put our food together so we can all have a variety to eat.
Speaking of rules…
No GUNS! No Fighting! And especially NO DRUGS!
Comprenday!!?? I know I spelled it wrong assholes!
If you have any problems with any of these rules, don’t bother coming. If you have a problem with any of our fellow hell campers, please let one of us Quihuis clan know and we will extinguish the problem. They don’t call me the ROCK for nothing. It’s more like; can you smell what kind of steak I’m cookin’? Seriously, we are all here to have fun. If you want to take a rookie with you, I will trust your judgement on their character. Please, if you think your rookie will cause an inch of trouble, don’t bring him! I am really serious about that. I haven’t had to kick a rookie’s ass in awhile, so let’s keep it that way.
I will send an attachment on the location of hell camp just in case you guys forgot.
When you guys receive this letter, please call me so I can update all of your telephone numbers. I know times are hard sometimes so, if some of you guys can’t send in the money right away, call me. We can always work something out.
My phone #s are:
(Work) 602-365-4065
(Cell) 602-686-0070

That’s it folks. I am looking forward to seeing all of you there. It will be a blast.

Sincerely and best regards,

Steve Quihuis
Lionel Quihuis
Joseph Quihuis
Charles Garcia

Veteran info:
Name: ______________________________
Address: ___________________________
Phone numbers: ________________________

Rookie info:
Rookie Name: ________________________
Rookie Address: ________________________
Phone numbers: ________________________
Check one: □KY Jelly □ Vaseline

Please remit payment to:
Lionel Quihuis
10445 S. 46th way
Phoenix, AZ 85044
(H) 480-893-9093

Qty: _____ X $35.00 = $________

Note: Late fee of $10 if paid at Hell Camp

There is an “Ass Kicking” fee for any returned checks! (Just kidding)


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